Nineteen-year-old Milly Mutoni lives in Bwetyaba in the Kayunga District and tea...
LT. Gen. Ogolla enlisted in the Kenya Air Force on April 24, 1984, and on May 6,...
The collision resulted in the tragic death of one person who was in the Mitsubis...
With President Volodymyr Zelensky's admission in February that 31,000 Ukrainian ...
Meanwhile, Having lost the first leg 2-1 in Madrid, Dortmund quickly turned thin...
Steve Jean discovered Cindalera Sanyu through Coca-Cola's Real Stars talent sear...
State Prosecutor Lt. Alex Mukhana opposed bail during the most recent hearing, p...
As a Ugandan, it is disheartening to see our hard-earned money being used to rew...
Despite Eddy Kenzo's denial of the allegations, asserting his support for Fille ...
While commending the efforts of the UPDF Engineering Brigade, Among acknowledged...
In a recent hearing, while four male detainees were granted temporary freedom, M...
In a recent hearing, while four male detainees were granted temporary freedom, M...
Acidic Vokoz was born in 2000 in the Bugwere district's Busembatia, Iganga. From...
The term artificial intelligence (AI) describes the process by which machines ar...
Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson Patrick Onyango confirmed the shocking ...
The business community, which is the backbone of funding for the government, fee...